How We Help

Business Coaching

We work with you to review your business and its practices providing you with an opportunity to stand back from its day to day workings and look at the bigger picture. We help you to move from working in your business to working on your business.

Our focus is to target opportunities for growth, identify potential performance improvements, and to see if your company culture is working for you or against you.

The discipline of working to and being held accountable for a medium to long term plan is often motivation for clients to continue this relationship. It will normally require the commitment to regular working sessions.


Owning and managing a business can be a very lonely and stressful experience. Often there are things that you prefer not to discuss with your employees and are reluctant to take home. This role is a mixture of advisor and confidante. Just being able to express yourself, to release your frustration, or to test ideas on someone who is not involved on a day to day basis can be hugely valuable. Typically this involves meeting monthly with telephone contact in between.


These are situations when you need an experienced manager to handle tasks on your behalf. You may be too busy or not have the skills or experience for something that is required infrequently. Examples we have been involved with include the selection and implementation of new software, preparing your business for sale, looking for new premises, and recruiting new staff.

Business Plan

Planning is an essential part of good management. This holds true both for the long term and the short term. A well thought out plan with an easy to follow structure and action plan is a must. We will help you to clarify:

  • How do we make people's lives better?
  • How do we make decisions?
  • What are our markets?
  • Where do we intend to be in 5 years?
  • What will we have achieved in 12 months time?
  • What will stop us achieving our goals

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